Today, The European Space agency open up its new Tv 2 added to the first. ESA web TV2 stresses upon broadcasting live content with experts gathering at seminars, conferences dedicated to scientists and industry. A way to follow any meetings in 27 languages.
Be ready to watch the new WEb TV2click on this link at 3pm Brussels time
ESA is on era of digital
The preview web TV one is still available on the ESA website and ESA youtube. It works as a “webstream channel with programmes on European space activities from asteroids to zero gravity”. The real time age is to watch video on web TV by social media or not. ESA makes effort to be in the real time age. That’s why ESA web TV channels aims at delivering videos on demand to web users consumers and professional. Users consumers can watch and download the latest video content from the Agency site. At the same time, professional users can have access to huge content for their own productions.