EU Council under Slovenian Presidency adopted Blue card directives: Covid19 could be a positive role after a lockdown?
Today, the EU Council adopted the Blue Card directive that allows highly-qualified non-EU nationals after some years of silence . This EU-wide admission system aims to attract and retain workers in sectors facing skills shortages.
After pandemic things have changed as the world was in confinement, isolated from others. The desire to come together not in front of his television screen but in front of the other. The skills no longer have distance, the one who can bring value. He will be welcome to settle down. The various complications between EU countries and fear have finally resulted in the reception of this gray matter. A material that the United States and the USSR Union after the war had used extensively.
Aleš Hojs, Minister for the Interior of Slovenia declared that EU union needs Blue card directives
to stimulate our economic growth and make the most of our green and digital transformation we need to be able to attract the best talent. The blue card will consolidate the EU’s position as a top global destination for highly-qualified workers, with the flexibility, mobility and family reunification opportunities it provides.
EU institutions found agreement after some long years between EU countries who did not want to enter non-EU citizens. In 2014, the EU Council expressed in its conclusion as “Europe must compete in the global race for talent. Strategies to maximise opportunities for legal migration should therefore be developed, including the streamlining of existing rules”. On year after, The Commission communication entitled ‘European Agenda on Migration’ calls for an attractive Union-wide scheme for highly qualified third-country nationals and specifies that a review of Council Directive 2009/50/EC1 is needed to enable the Union to more effectively attract talent and thereby to address both the demographic challenges faced by the Union and labour and skills shortages in key sectors of the Union economy.
The Blue card has been considered as some high skilled people who wants to enter to United of States, the Green Card. EU union needs more “brain” from non-EU countries. The Commission communication of 23 September 2020 reminded‘ when it said “New Pact on Migration and Asylum’, which states that the reform of the EU Blue Card “must bring real EU added value in attracting skills through an effective and flexible EU-wide instrument”. The problem could be met to know who can enter or not even if he/she has a high skilled to set up in each EU country. What will the real criteria to select non-EU and EU citizens and their own territory? Values or skills and “brain”? What EU Blue card guarantee for the future workers?
Beyond lockdown
In Brussels city, that Monday, graduated students granted theirs diploma with a positive future in their mind. Will the EU Blue Card give as much the highly skilled, non-European workers as much hope for the creation of European value?
The text will enter into force 20 days after publication in the Official Journal. Member states will then have two years to bring into force the necessary laws to comply with this directive.
Source: EU council/Commission