NATO enters to era of Artificial Intelligence with European Commission in a virtual high-level discussion on transatlantic cooperation

This evening, Deputy Secretary General, Mr. Mircea Geoană undertakes Co-chairs of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI), Dr. Eric Schmidt and Secretary Robert O. Work, and the Executive Vice President of the European Commission for a Europe Fit for the Digital Age, Ms. Margrethe Vestager in a transatlantic cooperation in the era of Artificial Intelligence.

Hafida B
Oct 29, 2020

At 6pm Brussels time, the virtual meeting will be set in a livestreamed on various social media to select on The Atlantic Council on Youtube, linkedln, facebook and twitter.

In Sofia, Bulgaria, Mircea Geoană emphasized the fact to invest in new technologies :

“conflicts are increasingly defined by bytes and big data as much as by bullets and battleships. Mr Geoană said the Alliance is ready for these changes. NATO is driving innovation”

He concluded

Our nations stand united across two continents for a single, simple and powerful reason. Our values. Our freedom, our democracy, our human rights, the rule of law” .

NATO photo copyright

Source : NATO



Hafida B

Journalist-writer, I do love photography for some events. I buy photos and content English/FR.